Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lootin' and Pollutin'

We're the Planeteers, and you can be one too, 'cuz saving our planet is the thing to do.
Looting and polluting is not the way; hear what Captain Planet has to say...

The power is YOURS!


QueenBeeSwain said...

lady- are you sure we're not long lost neighbors? we used to play captain planet but "heart" was "fart"

PS- I just KNEW you'd have a comment on the Michael Jackson post- I just KNEW!


jlc said...

hahahah my hubby sings the captain planet song all the time. thanks for the giggle!

CTB said...

This is so funny! I remember watching this when I was little on Sunday mornings before church! Thanks for the flashback.

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I loved that show when it was on!!! I still can sing the theme song!