Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guilt Clipping

I was hoping that the dawn of a new month would bring back my spark, but considering that it's the third day of the month and only my first post, that clearly hasn't been the case. Part of that has been dealing with the passing of my Aunt Adrienne. I just didn't feel right filling post after post with "rules" or silly sightings at the gym during her struggle. She was laid to rest yesterday afternoon, and I know that she's in peace in Heaven right now.

Now that I'm back in the game, it's only appropriate to share the guilt trip I'm taken on every few months. The culprit? The GROOMER. I take Sadie to have her split ends de-splitted, and her tresses refreshed every few months or so, and while she loves getting beautified, her mom hates it. Yep, I know that each trip through that bell-bedecked door will leave me feeling like a worthless and negligent pet owner.

Sadiekins is difficult to keep brushed, and, heck, sometimes I just don't do it. On the list of must-do's each day, "Brush the dog" often gets pushed somewhere deep into the "Ummm, riiiight, like that's going to happen" pile. ("Feed the dog;" "Cuddle the dog;" "Play with the dog;" and "Keep the dog alive," always stay atop the list, lest you animal activists come a-knocking.) But, without fail, I am given the major stink eye each time we enter the grooming salon as the groomer casts a wary eye across my poor pooch.

Even when she's just a touch shaggy, I am immediately reprimanded for the "SEVERE MATTING" covering her sweet, wiggly bod and lectured that cocker spaniels need to be groomed every 3-4 weeks. Um, newsflash for you, Groomer Bernice, that is NOT going to happen. For one thing, I don't get my own mane tamed nearly that often, and while my coif totals $22 per trip to maintain, Miz Sadiebugs rings up for about $55. Now, I know you don't have access to my bank accounts, but lemme just go ahead and let you know that I took the liberty of calling Dave Ramsey to ask permission to spend $55 per month on superficial pet expenses, and he replied with a heartfelt, "Hell to the nah." And I agree. Therefore, sweetums, let's just go ahead and get one thing straight, I will not bring Sadie to visit you any more often than I am currently. You will lay off punching one-way tickets to GuiltTown, and we will agree to be friends - as dander-covered as you may be.


Ams said...

I hate that!!
The other day I went and got my cats their food... holy crap $55... haha... but alas, them eating is very important and I want them eating food that is good for them so I give them the best.
But really? The haircut... it would have to wait. And you're right, you shouldn't be getting a guilt trip on that one!
I hope you don't go away from the blogging world lovely lady!! I would miss you!

Anonymous said...

Cute blog! I live less than an hour outside of Charlotte. Small world.

katie lake said...

I think taking her as much as you do is hella responsible of you. We've always been a bath at home type except with the yorkies my mom used to breed. Plus they just want you to come more for the monies. Have you checked other places for prices? Petsmart is $26 a dog for each of my big kids (75 and 80 lbs).

Piper Jacquelyn said...

My best friend's Bichon is luck to get a haircut once every 4-5 months. It usually looks like a beast by that point, but it's pretty cute! Your groomer sounds evil, have you asked her how often she gets groomed herself?

Anonymous said...

thank god my dog has short hair but she is an english bulldog and when i get a little extra cash i take her to petsmart to get bathed and if ive missed one day on cleaning out the wrinkle above her nose i get the third degree from them. i think you are doing a great job even taking her there are people out there that dont even feed their dogs let alone brush, love, and give them shelter, my hat is off to you my friend!

BLC :o said...

Hi lovie!!! Don't let those winter blues get you down ... but if they do, its not just you!!! I think the winter blues are the new global warming minus the hype. I blame Phil. He needs to retire. Is it springtime yet!? Xoxo-BLC

The Shabby Princess said...

Aw, sadtimes! That's obnoxious of the groomer. We had a sheltie and they require a lot of grooming. We'd get her to teh groomer every couple of months and in the summer we just shaved her (which traumatized me--she thought it was awesome, i thought it was henious, but, it kept her cool and limited the amount of grooming we had to pay for in the summer months), so, I understand how hard it can be with a fuzzy pup. But! But! We were lucky enough to have a nice groomer who didn't guilt--so sad that yours has to take that attitude with you. Boo!

Give Sadie some lovin' from me and tell her we think she's gorgeous no matter what!