Thursday, February 11, 2010

Decongested, and It Feels So Good

Y'all, life has been cuckoo bananas. For y'all too, I'm sure. Between a full-time job, a lovely little BOTS (biznass on the side), church volunteering Saturday nights and all day Sunday, maintaining friendships, fanning the flames on a budding and wonderful romance, being a good sister and daughter, life is just spinning faster than I can keep up with (and without the goodness of a swishy skirt to enjoy whilst spinning... you know what I mean). As a chronic-busier (one who is busy), I have developed quite the caffeine habit (it's not too bad, though. I can quit anyway time I want. I just don't want to right now). Clearly my body has built up a smidge of a resitance as it's taking me more and more of the cold carbonation (I despise coffee. Despise. So my caffeine comes in the form of diet soda ranging in flavor from lime to cherry to cherry vanilla). Imagine my surprise when falling ill a couple of weeks ago, I combined the seemingly innocent Sudafed Triple Action with my morning Diet Dr. Pepper and felt an incredible burst of energy that caffeine alone hasn't supplied me in years. Since then, each time I stop taking the decongestant, I'm back to the sniffly nastiness, so back on the OTC I go, and back to lots of pop, fizz and zeal. If this is what sick feels like, I don't want to be healthy.


Unknown said...

I know exactly how you feel!

The Pink Chick said...

I love my caffeine in diet soda form too!! I hope you feel better very soon! Although, I am sure you are enjoying your OTC and caffeine combo! I would love a nice jolt like that in the morning! :)

Ams said...

I have myself a very very serious caffeine addiction... I try not to tell anyone about it though because then maybe it's not a problem?? I don't know... something like that!! I feel your pain!
Hope you stay decongested... congestion is the worst!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a diet soda addict as well... diet coke, dr pepper, 7 up... I love them all. It's a nasty habit to break once you start, though!

THE Stephanie said...

Ah... LOVE me some Diet DP. :)