Before arriving on Franklin Street, however, I needed some quick beautification. I hit the road immediately following work and was ick nast at it's finest. Thankfully I had thought to throw my makeup, brush and flat iron in the car with me. About half an hour outside of Chapel Hill, I needed to stop for gas. I wheeled into the Flying J Travel Plaza, filled up and found myself a nice parking spot. I brought my hair and cosmetic necessities with me into the bathroom and set up shop. I was looking so much ickier than I had initially thought, so I set to work washing my face (the hand soap provided in the bathroom and paper towels... it ripped my skin off), wetting my hair in the sink, then re-blowdrying it under the hand dryer. Unfortunately, the hand dryers were positioned very low to the ground, requiring me to squat underneath as I finger dried. As I was squatting, four people came into the bathroom. When they saw me, three gave me odd looks, and one turned around and left. When my hair was fluffed and in a dryer state, I plugged in my straightener and went to work styling. I also reapplied my make up and continued receiving strange (and, yes, dirty) stares. In fact, one woman came in the bathroom three times over the course of twelve minutes and just gawked at me. They must have thought I was preparing for my night shift on the street corners of Carrboro.
All in all I'm thrilled I spent the extra time getting pretty because Southern Sunshine looked nothing short of gorgeous, although, with her, that's par for the course. We paused long enough to snapped a few shots of the event, and hopefully you'll see that the truck stop tune up did me well.

yay for time with friends :)
ps. I love your necklace!
I love your necklace in these pics! You must share the details...
You look fab!!!
In college I dated a guy who went to school about 8 hours away from where I did. When I would drive down to see him I would ALWAYS stop at the same gas station to beautify myself before we were reunited, and I always got the same dirty/awkward looks from fellow patrons.
i love this. i mean, really... what are flying j's for?!?!
It was probably amusing for people that didn't know what you were up to. I dated a guy that was about 2 hours away from me, there was no way I wasn't going to stop and check my hair and makeup about 15 minutes away from his house. Hey a girl has gotta do what a girl needs to do :) More power to you, otherwise you would have not felt so comfortable:)
love your necklace..where did you find it?
What a fun get together!
Ish nasty images of me, but so so glad I got to see you and Ave!!!!
Hi! I wanted you to know that I have nominated you for a Kreative Blogger award! Please see my post for 'rules' and to pick up the badge for your blog!
Hey hey hey pretty girls!!! Glad you had a wonderful time. Xoxo-BLC
Too cute!! I love your necklace and sounds like a fun get together!
OMG!!! I can just picture you washing your face in the gas station bathroom and squatting under the hand dryer... all I have to say is BRAVO!!!! I think I would have probably pulled into the parking lot of a hotel and used one of the public bathrooms inside. You just have to pretend you're a guest... it's all about the confidence!! :) xoxo, E
looooove the necklace!!! where is it from??
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