Friday, May 1, 2009

Mad Skillz

Being the whitest person I know, sometimes I like to pretend I can rap. I'm actually pretty good. Especially when I ask for money. You see, I babysit for the sweet and precious daughter of Madame P (who is the owner of this agency I call my second home). I love the entire family, and they've done so much for me; however, sometimes it can get awkward trying to separate the personal from the professional for both of us. This weekend we had a discussion about that, and it was nice to be on the same page. I babysat on Saturday night while Mr. P was out of town, and Madame P was attending a party. When she returned she confessed that she didn't have enough money to pay me, but she would bring me a check or cash on Monday. Flash forward to Wednesday... I had seen her multiple times, but no mention of the money was made. Uh oh... awkward alert. The amount in question was fairly substantial and made a significant difference in my weekly budget. Not knowing how exactly to broach the subject (and being aware that she would be gone the remainder of the week), I wrote her white girl rap poem. Keep in mind that we are an advertising agency, so I'm well aware that this would be unprofessional and inappropriate in other work settings, Potential Anonymous Caller-Outers.

A Rhyming Invoice:
Just a friendly invoice to serve as a reminder,
From your favorite babysitter (who couldn't be kinder),
I know your schedule is packed and oh so busy,
Even thinking about it makes this girl dizzy,
I understand that you'll be gone the rest of the week,
I thought I'd send a little note about the payment I seek,
So when it's convenient, just let me know,
Thanks so much! From Caroline - XO.

She responded last night that she would bring money TODAY. Cha-Ching! As the Wu-Tang Clan says, "Dolla Dolla Bill, Y'all." Hopefully she doesn't throw a pink slip in with it.


CTB said...

haha You are too much! (in a good way of course)

Meagan said...

Too funny! Good luck on the collection!

Hopsy said...

This is so clever and it solved the money issue with no akwardneess. Go you!

New Girl on Post said... awesome are you with you rap? I'm very impressed!

Abbie said...

That is too funny! So... have you seen the money yet?!