Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I just don't get all the Sex and the City hype. Believe it or not, I have never seen so much as part of an episode of the revered SATC. And truthfully, I don't really plan on it.

There. I said it.


Danielle said...

I'm so glad to hear you say that! I am right there with you and secretly laughed when I heard how terrible the new movie is. So to quote Michael Jackson, you are not alone.

Elle said...

Girl I am so with you... I've seen maybe one episode, but I hated it... it just seemed so gross... Ugghh I just don't get it... and I am so tired of everyone saying BUT YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT... YOU JUST HAVE TO!

Jenny said...

I'm feeling you 100 freaking %!! I've watched episodes,quite a few, but it's just not all that great to me- and honestly? I thought the movie was silly. Silly as in...12-year-old girl silly and dramatic.

Didn't like it and don't care if I ever see the 2nd movie. HAHAH!

AEOT said...

I've never seen an episode of the show, nor have I seen the movies. Just never been interested, and that isn't changing anytime soon! You're in good company :)

Kassie said...

oh my goodness, i was SO going to write a post about this! I feel like the only girl that isn't obsessed with this movie coming out! I was never a fan of the show, so the movie is way too much hype for me.

Lisa said...

I used to be the same way, but then fell in love with the TV show. Unfortunately, the movies, especially this one, have gotten way too far away from the original show which was a lot more legit. Now, it's sort of hard for fans to connect with... I mean, when was the last time you had a $10M wardrobe budget for a film shoot in Morocco?

Anonymous said...

I've never watched it either. I just never thought it was something I would like. I have thought about renting to first movie and seeing what all the excitement is about.

Heather said...

I used to feel that way too, but then I got absolutely hooked on the tv show.

DSS said...


My BFF has never seen it either, and could completely care less. I guess it's kindove like the way I feel about Lost :)

We still love you!

Anonymous said...

Amen! I posted about this today, in fact! I'm so sick of hearing about this trashy movie, and I honestly don't get why anyone would be interested.

Britt said...

You are not alone! I haven't seen a second of it nor have I seen the movie!