Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's a Date

Sunday night is a dedicated date night for the fella and me, as I believe I've mentioned before. This morning I found the greatest tool to enhance these romantic and rejuvenating evenings. has piqued my interest before with their $25 gift cards for $10. As I was perusing the selection, I decided to check and see if they were listed on Ebates. Sure enough, they promised 30% cash back and a valuable coupon code for an additional 80% off the gift card price. Want to know how I racked up?
$25 to our favorite Thai restaurant
$25 to an excellent, upscale Indian restaurant
$25 to a swanky Uptown eatery
$50 to a mediterranean wine loft
Grand Total... $9.00. Yep, $125 worth of date night bucks for single digit dollars. Best ever. Can't wait to hit the town with my love!


Lindsey said...

AH! Thank you for this! My husband and I spend WAY more money than we should dining out. I got $50 worth of certificates for $7. YAYY! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Nice blog.. Keep up the good work !

EiweiƟ shop

Belle on Heels said...

thank you thank you thank you for sharing this!! i got $70 of certificates for $14. we would spend $70 just at one of those dinners. AMAZING!