Y'all. My job? Wow. The things I get to do are just mind boggling. Please sock me in the face if I ever complain. Last night our worship team had a live recording for their upcoming worship CD and DVD. To say that it shook the house would be an extreme understatement. I just kept looking around and pinching myself that I get paid to produce these types of events. If you need a little musical inspiration or encouragement, please hop on iTunes and check them out as soon as possible.
I'm a twenty-something clothing designer making my way in Charlotte, NC and learning more about myself every single day. The Lord has blessed my life in more ways than I can count, but I certainly keep trying to keep up with Him.
Dustin is dying to know where he can get one of the LOVE week shirts. Do you know if they are available for purchase? Thanks!! :)
That is really cool!
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