Monday, June 1, 2009

Sweatin' It

I wore a dark gray t-shirt and pink running shorts to the Y on Saturday - a fairly average workout outfit. After trekking on the Stairmaster treadmill and interval work on the elliptical, I was fairly saturated, but not what I considered overly sweaty. As I dismounted from the cardio equipment and headed for the weights I found myself standing beside a rather heavyset middle-aged man.

"Wow, have you been working out for a long time?" he inquired.
Flattered that he was noticing my toned physique I answered, "Why, yes, 5-6 days a week for the last 8 years. I've really been ramping it up lately, though."
Looking puzzled he replied, "I meant today. Look at your shirt, it's DRENCHED. Have you been here for hours?"
"Um, 40 minutes."

Thank you, kind sir, for reminding me how overactive my sweat glands are. My apologies for not pointing out the way your shirt gracefully hugged the curves and contours of your portly tummy.


d.a.r. said...

Bahahaha!!! I am a sweaty girl, too.

ashley said...

hun, i know just how that goes and i'm sure i'm way worse!! and to make me feel even grosser, my hubby will have just the slightest speckling of sweat of the back of his shirt while mine looks like i had a bucket of water thrown on me! i guess i can think my dad for those genes.

CTB said...

As Stephanie Tanner would say, How rude!

Prissy Southern Prep said...

I am completely paranoid about my sweat stains at the gym -- this story didn't help! haha!! But, what do people expect?! You are supposed to sweat at the gym!

USCEmily said...

Some people have no tact.

THE Stephanie said...

Uh, you're supposed to sweat at the gym!! Sheesh!! People should keep their comment to themselves! LOL

April said...

Oh. Em. Gee. That's SO funny. I would have to side with the portly dude on this one - I have way underactive sweat glands, and well...a few curves. (Think Michelin man.)

Children of the 90s said...

What does he expect, you're at a gym! It's crazy someone would actually go out of their way to point this out to you!

Miss Sweet Tea said...

OMG - so funny!

QueenBeeSwain said...

actually- did you know the the more/easier you sweat (generally speaking)- the better shape you're in? the body is better able to regulate its temp- sweating is a mechanism to do this by- PS- there have been studies done on Olympic-level athletes- some are even able to begin sweating in anticipation of a workout!

you kick rear!


Kim said...

haha...I have the same sweaty problem! Can't believe that rude man said something to you though! Geez!!!

Anonymous said...

hahah I'm the same way!!! During preseason would be horrible. August, outside on turf! I'd be drenched!!!

The Shabby Princess said...

Ha! I'm the same way! I sweat. I've tried to invest in Under Armour shirts, but, I don't use them unless I'm working out outside in the heat because then they are really, really nessecary for me!!