Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Getaway

The hubbers and I rolled back into Charlotte yesterday evening bronzed, smiling and relaxed after a three day hiatus in Sullivan's Island. My parents have rented a house there for a week, and even given our complex schedules, the two of us were able to escape down to the sand and surf for a much-needed respite. We spent Sunday night - yesterday afternoon doing all the things we've been craving... sitting in the sun, playing in the water (surfing and paddle boarding were headliners), drinking too many cocktails, enjoying food prepared by my chef husband, and just catching up with one another and our family. 

We spent last night at home catching up with our sweet puppies, grilling out and watching a Redbox then retired early. It was such a pleasant surprise to wake up this morning fully rejuvenated and ready for work rather than wishing for a vacation from our vacation.

We newlyweds spent our first night of vacation in the "Accountability Loft" overlooking the living room. We made necessary rearrangements for the rest of the trip. Winky face.
The chef-who-is-married-to-me delighted our tastebuds with shrimp, boudin and apple dip then spoiled us further with pan-fried Rockfish over wilted spinach, grilled corn, gnocchi and wilted spinach.
We cleaned up pretty nicely too.

I practiced some yogi handstands after a few glasses of wine, which I now think is the secret for tapping into my inner zen.
And I got a personal lesson from my surfer husband. And I stood! More than once!


Unknown said...

so fun! the "Accountability Loft" cracked me up! also, i NEED to get into yoga. you're awesome.

Sarah O said...

I love Sullivan's Island, I'm so jealous! Sounds like you had a blast!

Heather said...

Sounds like a fun trip - yay!