Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hoppity Hop

Easter was an incredibly eggs-hilirating whirlwind! My church had worship experiences Friday, Saturday and all day Sunday, so I worked around the clock, but I am so thankful that I was able to experience it. We saw over 19,000 attend our church in a single weekend, and even more staggering, more than 2,200 salvations. I am awe-struck by God's mighty power. He is risen indeed, y'all!
I was also able to schedule some time in with the family and fella, and between Sunday worship experiences we were able to stop by for a tasty meal that Little whipped up. I had yesterday off and spend the day being productive. Thursday marks the first day of a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge we're doing as a staff. We're paired as teams, and the win team pair each receives a 5-day trip for two to Aruba. I have my game face on, and I spent yesterday cooking and freezing meals for my partner and I. I can't wait to post pictures throughout the process. Our plan is foolproof, and I'm about to get my best bod on!


Heather said...

Cute pictures! Happy Easter.

Sara Lynn said...

Good luck on the 90 day challenge!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fabulous Easter. Good luck on the diet, however don't lose too much, you're perfect as you are! xox