Monday, April 19, 2010

Not So Auf Wiedersehen

Well, here I go making a fool of myself. I have officially applied to be on P*roj*ect R*un*way (don't want it showing up in Google searches, natch). I know that I have a minute shot of making it, but why not just throw my hat in the ring? The written questions were long and difficult, but they challenged me to stretch myself and discover why I love creating. The sweet beau hopped over yesterday and, armed with a video camera, helped me create this little ditty. Naturally, I hate hate hate watching myself on video and had no idea I was approaching 600 pounds, but in the name of full disclosure to my blog readers, here it is... please forgive the INSANE amount of hand motions. Ricky Bobby was soooo right, "I don't know what to do with my hands..."


THE Stephanie said...

YAY! Good luck! Your creations are gorgeous - and so are you!!

Danielle said...

Yay! I'm so proud of you for at least trying. I love that show and it would be so neat to know (well sort of) someone that was on it! Good luck and keep us posted.

The Pink Chick said...

Way to go! Keep us up-dated on what happens! I loved your video, and the clothing that you made is absolutely beautiful!

USCEmily said...

Can't wait to hear what happens! Good luck :-)
And there is no way I could have talked on video for that long...I'm pretty much a train wreck when it comes to being videoed!

Elle said...

YAY! Good Luck!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

You are so stinking cute!! They HAVE to pick you. I love your comment about trying out for cheerleading, can they not want that wit & sense of humor?! Good luck!! :)

Samma said...

You did a great job, and look beautiful! It's the same thing with my cooking contest entry- the main thing is that we put ourselves out there and gave it a shot! Great job!

katie lake said...

I love it! You're adorable!

The New Mrs said...

GOOD LUCK! You could SO do this! I hope you get it :)

p.s. enter my giveaway. you'll love it!